The end never justifies the means

Essays & other writings

Research notes

The link below will take you to a page on the CR+C site where gls is publishing some research notes.

Esoteric writings

The following writings may or may not reflect the views of the OMCE. All of them are included on this site for their value in helping us think about our Self and our relationship with the Universe. They represent an exploration of thoughts and possibilities, an exploration of Life.

Not all the people who contributed to this section are OMCE Members. The copyright of the articles remains the property of the authors.

Introductory Elements of Initiation

Written by Gary L. Stewart

Initiation is the essential aspect and cause of the elevation of consciousness to the sublime realities of higher states—to that transcendental state of awareness where the True Being functions according to its degree of awakening on a plane of existence which allows for unfettered service.

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Rare Initiation

Written by Gary L. Stewart

First, we must understand more from the heart than from the mind that any discussion regarding initiation must necessarily be circular. In other words, we are considering a stream or current which we call the path, that has neither beginning nor end. The path is not linear in that it does not relate to the intellectual concepts of space and time.

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The Infinite

Written by Gary L. Stewart

If we were to consolidate the essence of mystical philosophy into one specific point which all students of mysticism could use as a foundation for gaining understanding, what would it be? Could it possibly be the steps required to develop psychically? Or a systematic overview of the thought process? Or... ad infinitum?

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The Value of Tradition

Written by Gary L. Stewart

What has Rosicrucianism contributed to society and, subsequently, humanity? what is Rosicrucianism contributing now? Questions such as these are often asked by both members and non-members of our Order who are seriously trying to assess the value of our organisations in today's world. But, before we can adequately answer such questions, we must understand the perspective from which they are asked. That is, we must understand the reasons for such questions.

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