The end never justifies the means


Two Sisters Commanderie

Seeing the Forest for the Trees

The Two Sisters Commanderie invites you to join us for the 2025 NAP Castrorum and CR+C
Convention, which will commence on Friday morning May 16, and conclude on Sunday afternoon
May 18, 2025. The event will be held at the Coast Tsawwassen Inn in Tsawwassen (near
Vancouver), British Columbia, Canada, and will feature OMCE and CR+C workshops and rituals.
The hotel’s website is

The focus of Seeing the Forest for the Trees will be creating an environment to foster an
understanding through discussion and ritual, an opportunity to appreciate the current world
situation through looking at the larger and smaller situations in which we find ourselves and our
studies. The hope is that workshops and rituals will create an atmosphere that engenders an
opening and opportunity to gain an understanding of the world we find ourselves in today and
the importance of the Orders in which we take part.

For those interested in attending, the costs are listed below:

OMCE /CR+C Program Registration fee (US Dollars):

Until 4/1/25: US$275.00

After 4/1/25 US$300.00

The program registration fee includes Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner on Friday, May 15, and Saturday, May 16; Breakfast and Lunch on Sunday, May 18. Vegetarian choices will be available at every meal

A minimum of US$100.00 is required with your registration. The balance may be paid in installments before the event through PayPal by clicking on the bottom below:


By check or money order in US dollars from a US bank made out to OMCE-NAP The registration form can be sent via email to or by hard copy to OMCE C/O Scott Heavner 6 Hershey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 USA.